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About: **SuP Yo'lL MaLeZ R PlAyA'Z It'z a fAcT DoN'T FaLl iN LoVe jUzT PlAy dEm bK. DoN'T HaTe dA gAmE DaT PlAyEd u jUzT PlAy dA GaMe dAt pLaYeD U.If u dIdN'T WoNa GeT PlAyEd dEn wHy dA FuK DiD U StArT PlAyInG Da gAmE In dA FiRsT PlAcE. Ta aL Hu r jElLy jUSt kEeP On hAtInG On hU U CaN'T Be coZ U KnO U JuSt jElOuS Ha hOlLa mWhA MwHa**Music: ReTtY MuCh eVeRyThInGMovies: AnYtHiNg sO LoNg aZ It'z wOrTh wAtcHiNgWhatImInto: KiCkIn iT WiF mA MaTeZ nD Ma gUrLz nD ShOpPiN AnYtHiNg rEaLi wATeVaMyBestFeatures: I DuNkNoMyDreams: tA HaVe a hOnEsT MaN
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